Your Resume
A resume is simply a place to list your education, experiences, and accomplishments. You won't usually have to submit a resume to a college when you apply, but you will need to give one to teachers and your counselor when you ask them to write a letter of recommendation. It also makes filling in your college application much easier, since you’ll have the information right in front of you. Finally, you’ll need a resume if you apply for a summer job, internship, or some scholarships.
There is no one way to arrange the information in your resume - see what works best for you. Google Docs has samples that can be helpful. Just keep your resume to one page, max.
What do I include in my resume?
Contact Information
Phone number
Email address
Midtown High School, and class.
You may also want to include your GPA (if over 3.0)
Class rank if you have it and feel it is helpful
AP classes (especially those relevant to your major), or dual enrollment.
Extracurricular Activities
School clubs, sports, or other school activities.
Remember to indicate when you participated in each (for example, 9-11 would indicate that you participated from freshman to junior year).
Community Service or Volunteering
Include volunteer work for any organization outside of school, such as your place of worship, charities, etc.
Work Experience
It’s ok if you don’t have a lot of work experience at this point in your life. Include part-time, summer, and school-year jobs, as well as babysitting, pet walking, or any side gigs you use to earn money.
You may feel that volunteer work you’ve done fits here better than under “Community Service.” If you’ve worked for an organization, list the name of the organization, your role (server, dog groomer, or volunteer), and when you worked for them.
Work doesn’t necessarily have to be paid—you may list an internship here as well.
Summer Experience
Optional, but if you’ve been to a summer workshop or educational program or had a summer internship, you can include that here.
Awards and Honors
You may include awards from school, work, community or civic groups, or others.